About Us
Do what you love to do, and be around things that make you smile.
Welcome to Ianiro Farm! Home of IQ Maple Syrup.
Located in the southwest corner of Geauga County, Ohio
Read on to see where we came from and where we hope to go

Our Story
It all started back in 1919. My great grandfather and great grandmother purchased a beautiful piece of property in Auburn, Ohio. Maple syrup started being made on the farm in the early 20's. My grandfather continued this tradition. He was a crop grower/cow farmer/pony dealer. He used money made from maple syrup sales to buy seed for the following years crops. Everyone in the family helped make maple syrup. The sugarhouse holds many of my very favorite memories of my grandpa. Boiled eggs and hot dogs in the sap were always the best dinner of the year! He produced syrup until a year before he passed. My husband and I married in '98.